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66 Resources
Consumer Protection Data Privacy & Security Digital Transformation Digitization Planning
Data Risks
Consumer Protection Data Privacy & Security Digital Transformation Digitization Planning

Quickly Identifying Potential Data Risks

By Amos Doornbos

Quickly Identifying Potential Data Risks

This resource is designed to help development actors increase the effectiveness of digital tools and data, while reducing the risks and the potential for harm. We often assume that data protection is the job of informational technology (IT) specialists. IT has a role to play, but so does operations staff. Operations staff determine what data […]
Digital Payments Digital Recordkeeping Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers
Rwanda COVER
Digital Payments Digital Recordkeeping Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers

Unleashing the Potential of Digital Saving Groups to Build Financial Resilience in Rwanda

By Yi Nancy Liu & Emile Ndayambaje

Unleashing the Potential of Digital Saving Groups to Build Financial Resilience in Rwanda

This case study examines two digital savings group solutions – Mvend and SAVE – promoted within UNCDF’s REFAD program in Rwanda. These solutions were adopted by REFAD partners to expand financial inclusion and improve resilience in refugee camps and host communities in Rwanda. The case study discusses some of the successes, enablers, and impediments on […]
Consumer Protection Digital Financial Services Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy
HeySister COVER 2
Consumer Protection Digital Financial Services Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy

Hey Sister! Show me the Mobile Money!

Strategic Impact Advisors

Hey Sister! Show me the Mobile Money!

Hey Sister! is an IVR (interactive voice response) digital financial literacy (DFL) campaign designed to increase women’s ability to access and use digital financial services (DFS). The campaign lessons are available online for use and adaptation by anyone, anywhere. Particular resources have been tailored and made available for learning and facilitation in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, […]
Digital Financial Services Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digital Transformation
Digital Financial Services Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digital Transformation

Empowering Women on a Journey Towards Digital Financial Capability

By Marina Dimova, Jaclyn Berfond, Sonja Kelly & Whitney Mapes
Women’s World Banking

Empowering Women on a Journey Towards Digital Financial Capability

This guide summarizes key components and concepts in digital financial capability (DFC) and explores key principles in the design of DFC programs. By leveraging the five principles (Who, What, When, Where, and How) and their associated design elements, financial services providers, policy makers, and other stakeholders can help women customers take the journey toward confident […]
Consumer Protection Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digitization Planning
DFC Cover
Consumer Protection Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digitization Planning

Leveraging Digital Financial Capability to Drive Women’s Financial Inclusion

By Marina Dimova & Julia Arnold
Women’s World Banking

Leveraging Digital Financial Capability to Drive Women’s Financial Inclusion

This article explores digital financial capability (DFC) as a critical component of the digital transformation journey, especially for women. Financial capability must evolve to include DFC, so low-income women are not left behind. Research by CFI reveals that traditional financial literacy approaches are ineffective and women are particularly affected by social norms. In the same […]
COVID-19 Digital Inclusion Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers
3a. SG in Africa Cover
COVID-19 Digital Inclusion Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers

Evidence Review of Women’s Groups and COVID-19: Impacts, Challenges, and Policy Implications for Savings Groups in Africa

By Eve Namisango et al.
Evidence Consortium on Women’s Groups (ECWG)

Evidence Review of Women’s Groups and COVID-19: Impacts, Challenges, and Policy Implications for Savings Groups in Africa

This learning brief examines the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s savings groups in diverse African contexts and explores how the shift to digitization impacted these groups and their members. Conclusions indicate that women’s savings groups contributed to resilience to economic challenges associated with the pandemic. For example, households with a female member in […]
Digital Financial Services Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digitization Planning
FinEquity COVER
Digital Financial Services Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digitization Planning

Enabling Women’s Financial Inclusion through Digital Financial Literacy


Enabling Women’s Financial Inclusion through Digital Financial Literacy

This FinEquity brief explores the relationship between digital financial literacy (DFL) and women’s digital financial inclusion. The brief outlines the components, enablers, and challenges to women’s DFL, and demonstrates how the various dimensions of DFL are inter-connected and should not be addressed in isolation. Drawing from the experiences of FinEquity members, the brief explores good […]
Digital Financial Services Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digitization Planning
Free Phones
Digital Financial Services Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digitization Planning

Can Free Phones Close the Gender Divide?

By Catherine Highet, Nisha Singh & Arisha Salman
Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)

Can Free Phones Close the Gender Divide?

This article explores the gender gap in mobile phone ownership and efforts to get phones into the hands of more women at the last mile. While these efforts have undeniably increased women’s access to phones, it is less clear if and how women are using phones to improve their lives. The article concludes that handset […]
Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Planning
Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Planning

Digitizing Savings Groups: Rethinking Financial Inclusion for the Poor

By Latif Amars, Sofie Blakstad & Anaïs Ndjavé

Digitizing Savings Groups: Rethinking Financial Inclusion for the Poor

This white paper, from hiveonline, explores the case for digitizing savings groups. The paper examines the challenges of reaching remote, poor populations and provides a brief introduction to the history, scope, and basic elements of the Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) methodology. The paper notes that digitization of savings groups can result in the […]