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Pitfalls in MFI Digitization: What They Are and How to Avoid Them

Published by
Stefan Staschen, Estelle Darie-Rousseaux, Mark Flaming & Gerhard Coetzee
Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)
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This blog series looks at the most common mistakes that microfinance institutions (MFIs) make when digitizing so that other MFIs can avoid them. The articles examine the common pitfalls of not getting the business case right, not listening to the customer, getting bogged down in technology, underestimating change management, and overlooking the regulatory environment.  

For a more detailed look at what we can learn from the experiences of MFIs that have digitized successfully, see the CGAP’s working paper Digitization in Microfinance: Case Studies of Pathways to Success.

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