The glossary is a compilation of definitions related to digitization of savings groups, created to help stakeholders working in the DSG sector use the right words and ask the right questions.

DSGs lie at the intersection of savings groups, financial inclusion, and technology—each with their own body of knowledge and technical language. The purpose of the glossary is to facilitate more effective communication across the various actors working in the growing area of DSGs. Whether you are a savings group specialist or represent a non-governmental organization, financial service provider, funder, investor, or technology firm, these are the key concepts and terms to navigate the world of DSGs. The glossary is divided into six sections 1) Digital savings groups; 2) Financial inclusion; 3) Digital financial services; 4) Identity; 5) Networks; and 6) Communication. 

As you use the glossary, you may identify additional terms that should be included or existing definitions that you disagree with. We welcome feedback and suggestions for additions, deletions, and edits. Please send any feedback to

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