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DSG Toolkit: Tools to Support Safe and Gender-responsive Digitization of Savings Groups

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Lauren Hendricks, Dennis Mello, Paula Rudnicka
Global Communities, Women for Women International
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The DSG Toolkit, also available in Kinyarwanda, consists of seven practical tools to support safe, effective, and gender-responsive digitization of savings groups. These tools include practical guidance for implementers and trainers across multiple aspects of digitization, such as:

Each tool can be used by implementers just beginning to think about their first DSG project and by those who are mid-project or preparing to expand. They can be used individually or as a complete set, depending upon the needs of the implementer.

The DSG Toolkit and all individual tools are accompanied by introductory videos, which provide guidance on how to use the tools. Please see the DSG Toolkit: Introductory Videos.

The DSG Toolkit should be used in conjunction with the DSG Gender & Inclusion Analysis Tool.

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