
DSG Hub Blog

21 Blogs
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Change Management Digital Financial Services Digital Transformation Digitization Planning
Emergent Payments Maximus
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Change Management Digital Financial Services Digital Transformation Digitization Planning

Digital Incrementalism and Savings Groups: Lessons from the History of Digital Microfinance

By David Panetta,
July 29, 2022

Digital Incrementalism and Savings Groups: Lessons from the History of Digital Microfinance

In the social sector, much ink is spilled on disruptive change. The social, economic, and environmental challenges of our world are indeed substantial and often daunting, so the search for – and allure of – disruptive solutions is understandable. But the reality is that most sustainable progress is incremental. Incremental Innovation As opposed to disruptive […]
Digital Recordkeeping Digital Transformation Digitization Planning Financial Service Providers
World Relief Decision Tree Image
Digital Recordkeeping Digital Transformation Digitization Planning Financial Service Providers

DSG Decision Tree

By Courtney Purvis
World Relief

DSG Decision Tree

World Relief created this tool to help country offices decide if transitioning to a digital savings group (DSG) program would be helpful for the participants. After understanding the local context and current savings group program, field staff can ask themselves the questions in the decision tree to determine if and what type of a DSG […]
Digital Financial Services Digital Identity Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits
Glossary e1653431870470
Digital Financial Services Digital Identity Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits

DSG Glossary: Key Concepts and Terms

By David Panetta, DSG Hub
Global Communities

DSG Glossary: Key Concepts and Terms

The glossary is a compilation of definitions related to digitization of savings groups, created to help stakeholders working in the DSG sector use the right words and ask the right questions. DSGs lie at the intersection of savings groups, financial inclusion, and technology—each with their own body of knowledge and technical language. The purpose of […]
Blog Post
Born Digital Digital Champions Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy
DreamStart Labs  scaled
Blog Post
Born Digital Digital Champions Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy

Top 10 Tips for Running a Great Digital Savings Group Pilot

By DreamStart Labs
May 22, 2022

Top 10 Tips for Running a Great Digital Savings Group Pilot

This article shares 10 tips from DreamStart Labs’ experience running many DSG pilots with partners around the world.
Digital Inclusion Digital Recordkeeping Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers
Mercy Corps e1653014590658
Digital Inclusion Digital Recordkeeping Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers

Piloting the Digitizing of Savings Groups at Mercy Corps

By Nick Meakin & Tamrat Abera
Mercy Corps

Piloting the Digitizing of Savings Groups at Mercy Corps

In this short interview, Tamrat Abera explains how Mercy Corps is piloting an app from Jamii.one to digitize the record-keeping in savings groups in Ethiopia. He explains the pilot objectives, the current status of the pilot, key challenges and lessons, and plans for the next 12 months. This is the first in a short series […]
Digital Payments Digital Recordkeeping Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers
Rwanda COVER
Digital Payments Digital Recordkeeping Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers

Unleashing the Potential of Digital Saving Groups to Build Financial Resilience in Rwanda

By Yi Nancy Liu & Emile Ndayambaje

Unleashing the Potential of Digital Saving Groups to Build Financial Resilience in Rwanda

This case study examines two digital savings group solutions – Mvend and SAVE – promoted within UNCDF’s REFAD program in Rwanda. These solutions were adopted by REFAD partners to expand financial inclusion and improve resilience in refugee camps and host communities in Rwanda. The case study discusses some of the successes, enablers, and impediments on […]
Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Planning
Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Planning

Digitizing Savings Groups: Rethinking Financial Inclusion for the Poor

By Latif Amars, Sofie Blakstad & Anaïs Ndjavé

Digitizing Savings Groups: Rethinking Financial Inclusion for the Poor

This white paper, from hiveonline, explores the case for digitizing savings groups. The paper examines the challenges of reaching remote, poor populations and provides a brief introduction to the history, scope, and basic elements of the Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) methodology. The paper notes that digitization of savings groups can result in the […]
Born Digital Digital Recordkeeping Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits
BD vs. PTD
Born Digital Digital Recordkeeping Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits

Comparing “Born Digital” and “Paper-to-Digital” Groups

DreamStart Labs

Comparing “Born Digital” and “Paper-to-Digital” Groups

This research brief highlights key insights from a study of digital savings groups (DSGs) conducted in rural Tanzania from August 2019 through February 2020. The research was led by the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) working with savings groups supported by Project Concern International (PCI), a Global Communities Partner, and their Women Empowered […]
Consumer Protection Data Privacy & Security Digital Payments Digital Recordkeeping
2a. SEEP LearningBrief COVER
Consumer Protection Data Privacy & Security Digital Payments Digital Recordkeeping

Digital Savings Groups

By Mark Staehle
SEEP Network

Digital Savings Groups

This learning brief examines the design options and essential tradeoffs in solution development based on a survey of 12 digital savings group (DSG) solution providers. The findings are outlined in six sections: 1) Introduction; 2) The benefits of savings groups; 3) User experience; 4) The business of DSGs; 5) Consumer protection, and 6) What will […]