DSG Hub Blog

42 Blogs
Blog Post
Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers
Blog Post
Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers

Welcome to the DSG Hub—the Global Destination for the Digital Savings Group Community!

By Dennis Mello & Paula Rudnicka
May 24, 2022

Welcome to the DSG Hub—the Global Destination for the Digital Savings Group Community!

This blog post, written by co-managers of the DSG Hub project at Global Communities, offers insights about why the Hub was created and how to get involved.
Blog Post
Change Management Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Costs
Blog Post
Change Management Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Costs

Truth-testing (and Quantifying) the Costs and Benefits of Digital Savings Groups

By David Panetta,
May 20, 2022

Truth-testing (and Quantifying) the Costs and Benefits of Digital Savings Groups

This blog post explores the costs and benefits of digital savings groups, and underlines the importance of truth-testing and quantifying them with greater rigor and precision.
Digital Inclusion Digital Recordkeeping Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers
Digital Inclusion Digital Recordkeeping Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers

Piloting the Digitizing of Savings Groups at Mercy Corps

By Nick Meakin & Tamrat Abera
Mercy Corps

Piloting the Digitizing of Savings Groups at Mercy Corps

In this short interview, Tamrat Abera explains how Mercy Corps is piloting an app from Jamii.one to digitize the record-keeping in savings groups in Ethiopia. He explains the pilot objectives, the current status of the pilot, key challenges and lessons, and plans for the next 12 months. This is the first in a short series […]
Consumer Protection Data Privacy & Security Digital Inclusion Financial Service Providers
Consumer Protection Data Privacy & Security Digital Inclusion Financial Service Providers

Break the Bias: Evidence Shows Digital Finance Risks Hit Women the Hardest

By Majorie Chalwe-Mulenga, Yasmin Bin-Humam & Eric Duflos
CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poor)

Break the Bias: Evidence Shows Digital Finance Risks Hit Women the Hardest

This article explores evidence which shows that women are more likely to experience most risks identified in CGAP’s typology of 66 DFS consumer risks than men. CGAP observes that long-standing digital financial service (DFS) risks are not only getting worse, but new risks are emerging every year, and women are more vulnerable to DFS risks than […]
Change Management Digital Transformation Digitization Costs Digitization Risks & Barriers
Change Management Digital Transformation Digitization Costs Digitization Risks & Barriers

Pitfalls in MFI Digitization: What They Are and How to Avoid Them

By Stefan Staschen, Estelle Darie-Rousseaux, Mark Flaming & Gerhard Coetzee
Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)

Pitfalls in MFI Digitization: What They Are and How to Avoid Them

This blog series looks at the most common mistakes that microfinance institutions (MFIs) make when digitizing so that other MFIs can avoid them. The articles examine the common pitfalls of not getting the business case right, not listening to the customer, getting bogged down in technology, underestimating change management, and overlooking the regulatory environment.   […]
Consumer Protection Data Privacy & Security Digital Transformation Digitization Planning
Consumer Protection Data Privacy & Security Digital Transformation Digitization Planning

Quickly Identifying Potential Data Risks

By Amos Doornbos

Quickly Identifying Potential Data Risks

This resource is designed to help development actors increase the effectiveness of digital tools and data, while reducing the risks and the potential for harm. We often assume that data protection is the job of informational technology (IT) specialists. IT has a role to play, but so does operations staff. Operations staff determine what data […]
Digital Payments Digital Recordkeeping Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers
Digital Payments Digital Recordkeeping Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers

Unleashing the Potential of Digital Saving Groups to Build Financial Resilience in Rwanda

By Yi Nancy Liu & Emile Ndayambaje

Unleashing the Potential of Digital Saving Groups to Build Financial Resilience in Rwanda

This case study examines two digital savings group solutions – Mvend and SAVE – promoted within UNCDF’s REFAD program in Rwanda. These solutions were adopted by REFAD partners to expand financial inclusion and improve resilience in refugee camps and host communities in Rwanda. The case study discusses some of the successes, enablers, and impediments on […]
COVID-19 Digital Inclusion Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers
COVID-19 Digital Inclusion Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers

Evidence Review of Women’s Groups and COVID-19: Impacts, Challenges, and Policy Implications for Savings Groups in Africa

By Eve Namisango et al.
Evidence Consortium on Women’s Groups (ECWG)

Evidence Review of Women’s Groups and COVID-19: Impacts, Challenges, and Policy Implications for Savings Groups in Africa

This learning brief examines the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s savings groups in diverse African contexts and explores how the shift to digitization impacted these groups and their members. Conclusions indicate that women’s savings groups contributed to resilience to economic challenges associated with the pandemic. For example, households with a female member in […]
Digital Financial Services Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digitization Planning
Digital Financial Services Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digitization Planning

Can Free Phones Close the Gender Divide?

By Catherine Highet, Nisha Singh & Arisha Salman
Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)

Can Free Phones Close the Gender Divide?

This article explores the gender gap in mobile phone ownership and efforts to get phones into the hands of more women at the last mile. While these efforts have undeniably increased women’s access to phones, it is less clear if and how women are using phones to improve their lives. The article concludes that handset […]