Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Gender

Webinar: Innovations in Savings Group Programming for Women’s Empowerment

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Global Communities
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This NGO CSW67 Forum Parallel Event, hosted in March 2023 by Global Communities, explored innovations in savings group programming that have the potential to transform unequal gender norms, reduce violence, strengthen women’s digital and financial inclusion and expand the benefits of savings groups for members with limited literacy and numeracy. In addition to digitization of savings groups, the panelists discussed oral recordkeeping solutions, linkages to formal finance, and engaging men as allies of women’s economic empowerment.

Tune into the recording to dive into the presentations from the diverse panel of experts representing Global Communities, CARE, Equimundo, My Oral Village, Grameen Foundation, VisionFund International, and Women for Women International. Event slides are also available for viewing or downloading.

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