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Savings Groups in the Digital Age: New Resources to Support Digital Transformation

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This webinar, recorded on June 23, 2022, explored key trends and considerations in the digital savings group (DSG) space and launched the DSG Hub. It also showcased three new resources developed for the DSG community: DSG Glossary: Key Concepts and Terms, DSG Technology Solutions Overview, and DSG Toolkit: Tools to Support Safe and Gender-responsive Digitization of Savings Groups.

The event was hosted by FAHU Foundation, Global Communities, and Women for Women International and included the following speakers: Henrik Kähler and Katha Thommesen-Kähler (FAHU Foundation), Dennis Mello and Paula Rudnicka (Global Communities), Tamrat Abera (Mercy Corps), Julia Arnold (Women’s Financial Inclusion Consultant), Bindi Jhaveri (Grameen Foundation), Anthony Mang’eni (Catholic Relief Services), Mellisa Mazingi (Women for Women International), and David Panetta (LGP). The agenda is linked here.

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