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Digital Finance: Enhancing Women’s Participation in Village Savings and Loan Associations

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Natalie Petrulla
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This article summarizes the findings from the Feed the Future Agricultural Development and Value Chain Enhancement (ADVANCE II) project in Ghana, focusing on the impact of the project on Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) and women’s empowerment.

In partnership with the Mobile Telephone Network (MTN), ADVANCE II registered four VSLAs in Ghana’s northern region with a group mobile money account. This allowed the groups to send money for free using a group SIM card, making transfers within VSLAs safer and easier.

In partnership with Vodafone, ADVANCE II also registered four VSLAs in Ghana’s Upper East Region with a “Farmers’ Club” product. This is a digital service that not only allows members to save money securely and in areas without banks, but also provides access to farming advice, weather updates, and market prices, as well as the ability to make free calls between group members.

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