
Project Design

15 Resources
Digital Financial Services Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digital Transformation
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Digital Financial Services Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digital Transformation

FinDev Guide to Women’s Financial Inclusion


FinDev Guide to Women’s Financial Inclusion

For the 2023 International Women’s Day, FinDev Gateway compiled research and blogs published about women’s financial inclusion in the previous twelve months. Members of the DSG Hub will likely find the collection of resources on “Digital Finance That Works for Women” most relevant.  These resources include:
Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Planning Innovation
2023 01 31 07 27 56 6 Reasons Your Digital Innovations Can Fail to Reach Adoption and 3 more pages
Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Planning Innovation

6 Reasons Your Digital Innovations Can Fail to Reach Adoption

By Laura Scanlon

6 Reasons Your Digital Innovations Can Fail to Reach Adoption

The article discusses six key reasons why a digital innovation product or service would fail to become widely used. They are related to organizational structure and capacity, unrealistic expectations, magpie mentality, first impressions, measurement, and founder dependency. The article also offers suggestions to bolster adoption of digital innovations, including creating a roadmap to adoption, giving […]
Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits
REPORT Bridging the Divide Skills for digital financial equity and inclusion Page cropped
Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits

Bridging the Divide: Skills for Digital Financial Equity and Inclusion

Devex and Visa

Bridging the Divide: Skills for Digital Financial Equity and Inclusion

This report showcases data-driven insights on the ways in which digital financial services, skills, and trust impact equitable and inclusive participation in the digital economy. Findings in the report show that initiatives must address the knowledge, confidence and trust needed for individuals to use the technology and services more effectively; programs are most effective when […]
Data Privacy & Security Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Planning
DSG Toolkit Playlist 2
Data Privacy & Security Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Planning

Digital Savings Group (DSG) Toolkit: Introductory Videos

By Lauren Henricks, Dennis Mello, Paulina (Paula) Rudnicka
Global Communities, Women for Women International

Digital Savings Group (DSG) Toolkit: Introductory Videos

This playlist contains eight videos introducing – and providing guidance on how to use – the “Digital Savings Group (DSG) Toolkit: Tools to Support Safe and Gender-responsive Digitization of Savings Groups,” published by Global Communities and Women for Women International in 2022. The playlist includes the following videos: Digital Preparedness Checklist Project Staffing Monitoring and […]
Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Planning Program Quality
2023 01 31 07 38 30 USAID Digital Principles How To Note.pdf and 4 more pages Work Microsoft​ Ed
Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Planning Program Quality

How-To Note: Addressing the Principles for Digital Development in Project and Activity Design


How-To Note: Addressing the Principles for Digital Development in Project and Activity Design

This brief, user-friendly guide helps program design teams understand and prioritize the Digital Principles most relevant to their work. Through a series of leading questions and worksheets, the digital activity design checklist provides actionable guidance for each Digital Principle and shares additional resources for ensuring that programs are well-designed and effective.
Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers Gender
DSG Tools Monitoring and Evaluation
Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers Gender

DSG Toolkit: Monitoring and Evaluation of DSG Projects 

By Lauren Hendricks, Dennis Mello & Paulina (Paula) Rudnicka 
Global Communities, Women for Women International 

DSG Toolkit: Monitoring and Evaluation of DSG Projects 

This tool is designed to improve digital savings group (DSG) implementers’ understanding of the impacts of digitization on groups and their members using gender-sensitive indicators and monitoring approaches. The tool includes sample indicators and a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework.  This tool is a part of the Digital Savings Group (DSG) Toolkit: Tools to Support […]
Digitization Planning Gender Human Resources Project Design
2a. Staffing Cover
Digitization Planning Gender Human Resources Project Design

DSG Toolkit: Project Staffing

By Lauren Hendricks, Dennis Mello, Paulina (Paula) Rudnicka
Global Communities, Women for Women International

DSG Toolkit: Project Staffing

This tool includes sample job descriptions (JDs) for key digitization project staff with a focus on knowledge, skills and abilities related to mobile and digital technology as well as gender integration. The tool includes both “Roles and Responsibilities” and “Qualifications,” which can be added to existing JDs to ensure they have adequate skills to support […]
Change Management Digital Transformation Digitization Costs Digitization Risks & Barriers
Pitfalls Cover
Change Management Digital Transformation Digitization Costs Digitization Risks & Barriers

Pitfalls in MFI Digitization: What They Are and How to Avoid Them

By Stefan Staschen, Estelle Darie-Rousseaux, Mark Flaming & Gerhard Coetzee
Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)

Pitfalls in MFI Digitization: What They Are and How to Avoid Them

This blog series looks at the most common mistakes that microfinance institutions (MFIs) make when digitizing so that other MFIs can avoid them. The articles examine the common pitfalls of not getting the business case right, not listening to the customer, getting bogged down in technology, underestimating change management, and overlooking the regulatory environment.   […]
Consumer Protection Data Privacy & Security Digital Transformation Digitization Planning
Data Risks
Consumer Protection Data Privacy & Security Digital Transformation Digitization Planning

Quickly Identifying Potential Data Risks

By Amos Doornbos

Quickly Identifying Potential Data Risks

This resource is designed to help development actors increase the effectiveness of digital tools and data, while reducing the risks and the potential for harm. We often assume that data protection is the job of informational technology (IT) specialists. IT has a role to play, but so does operations staff. Operations staff determine what data […]
Digital Financial Services Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digital Transformation
Digital Financial Services Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digital Transformation

Empowering Women on a Journey Towards Digital Financial Capability

By Marina Dimova, Jaclyn Berfond, Sonja Kelly & Whitney Mapes
Women’s World Banking

Empowering Women on a Journey Towards Digital Financial Capability

This guide summarizes key components and concepts in digital financial capability (DFC) and explores key principles in the design of DFC programs. By leveraging the five principles (Who, What, When, Where, and How) and their associated design elements, financial services providers, policy makers, and other stakeholders can help women customers take the journey toward confident […]