DSG Hub Blog

42 Blogs
Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers Gender
Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers Gender

DSG Toolkit: Monitoring and Evaluation of DSG Projects 

By Lauren Hendricks, Dennis Mello & Paulina (Paula) Rudnicka 
Global Communities, Women for Women International 

DSG Toolkit: Monitoring and Evaluation of DSG Projects 

This tool is designed to improve digital savings group (DSG) implementers’ understanding of the impacts of digitization on groups and their members using gender-sensitive indicators and monitoring approaches. The tool includes sample indicators and a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework.  This tool is a part of the Digital Savings Group (DSG) Toolkit: Tools to Support […]
Consumer Protection Data Privacy & Security Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation
Consumer Protection Data Privacy & Security Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation

DSG Toolkit: Data Privacy and Security

By Lauren Hendricks, Dennis Mello, Paulina (Paula) Rudnicka
Global Communities, Women for Women International

DSG Toolkit: Data Privacy and Security

This tool is designed to help DSG implementers ask technology providers the right questions about their data security policies and protocols, with the goal of protecting the data privacy rights of DSG members.   Digital solution providers (e.g., fintech companies) are de facto custodians of group and member data, which can be prone to hacking, manipulation […]
Digital Transformation Digital Wallet Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers
Digital Transformation Digital Wallet Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers

Digital Savings Groups In Uganda – A Learning Brief


Digital Savings Groups In Uganda – A Learning Brief

This learning brief offers critical reflections on whether a savings group in the Uganda refugee response is ready to go digital, on the objectives for pursuing digitisation/digitalisation, and on key challenges in making the shift. The brief was developed by Uganda Learning, Evidence, Accountability, and Research Network (U-Learn) in collaboration with the Uganda Inter-Agency Cash […]
Digital Inclusion Digital Payments Digital Recordkeeping Digital Transformation
Digital Inclusion Digital Payments Digital Recordkeeping Digital Transformation

Reaching Informal Savings Groups with Formal Financial Products: A Study’s Unexpected Findings Reveal the Challenges of Digitizing Transactions

By Raksha Vasudevan

Reaching Informal Savings Groups with Formal Financial Products: A Study’s Unexpected Findings Reveal the Challenges of Digitizing Transactions

This article discusses the main findings from a qualitative assessment of Savings at the Frontier (SatF) projects in Ghana, Tanzania, and Zambia, implemented in 2015-2022 and funded by the Mastercard Foundation. The program sought to bridge the gap between formal financial services and informal savings groups, enabling members to access the financial services that best […]
Data Privacy & Security Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digital Transformation
Data Privacy & Security Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digital Transformation

DSG Toolkit: Digital Preparedness Checklist

By Lauren Hendricks, Dennis Mello, Paulina (Paula) Rudnicka
Global Communities, Women for Women International

DSG Toolkit: Digital Preparedness Checklist

This checklist is designed to help implementing organizations gauge their own preparedness to digitize savings groups and to do so in a gender-responsive manner. The checklist will help implementers understand what they need to do to take on the technology, identify required training and support and address gender considerations in digitization projects. These include strategies […]
Blog Post
Change Management Digital Financial Services Digital Transformation Digitization Planning
Blog Post
Change Management Digital Financial Services Digital Transformation Digitization Planning

Digital Incrementalism and Savings Groups: Lessons from the History of Digital Microfinance

By David Panetta,
July 29, 2022

Digital Incrementalism and Savings Groups: Lessons from the History of Digital Microfinance

In the social sector, much ink is spilled on disruptive change. The social, economic, and environmental challenges of our world are indeed substantial and often daunting, so the search for – and allure of – disruptive solutions is understandable. But the reality is that most sustainable progress is incremental. Incremental Innovation As opposed to disruptive […]
Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Planning
Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Planning

Savings Groups in the Digital Age: New Resources to Support Digital Transformation


Savings Groups in the Digital Age: New Resources to Support Digital Transformation

This webinar, recorded on June 23, 2022, explored key trends and considerations in the digital savings group (DSG) space and launched the DSG Hub. It also showcased three new resources developed for the DSG community: DSG Glossary: Key Concepts and Terms, DSG Technology Solutions Overview, and DSG Toolkit: Tools to Support Safe and Gender-responsive Digitization […]
Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers
Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers

Future Forward: Spotlight on the DSG Hub

Global Communities

Future Forward: Spotlight on the DSG Hub

In this interview, Paula Rudnicka, the DSG Hub Program Manager and Sr. Technical Advisor for Gender Integration at Global Communities, shares her insights about financial inclusion, digital transformation, and the role of the Hub in promoting smart and gender-responsive digitization of savings groups.
Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers
Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers

Recap And Recordings of Workshop On Digital Savings Groups (DSGs)


Recap And Recordings of Workshop On Digital Savings Groups (DSGs)

This half-day workshop brought together key refugee response actors – including digital and financial service providers, policy makers, donors, implementers and humanitarian actors – to encourage stock-taking of the digital savings groups landscape in the Uganda refugee response, and foster critical reflection. The event was organized in April 2022 by UNCDF, the Uganda Inter-Agency Cash […]