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Empowering Women on a Journey Towards Digital Financial Capability

Published by
Marina Dimova, Jaclyn Berfond, Sonja Kelly & Whitney Mapes
Women’s World Banking
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This guide summarizes key components and concepts in digital financial capability (DFC) and explores key principles in the design of DFC programs. By leveraging the five principles (Who, What, When, Where, and How) and their associated design elements, financial services providers, policy makers, and other stakeholders can help women customers take the journey toward confident usage of digital financial services (DFS).

Empowering women with DFC is more important than ever, so that they are not left behind as the financial industry moves toward more widespread adoption of DFS.  At its core, DFC allows us to put the power where it belongs — in the hands of women — so they can gain the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to take ownership of their own financial lives.

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