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Digital Savings Groups can Help Women Finally Bridge the Financial Gender Gap

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Sushmita Meka, Sally Ross & Daryl Collins
BFA Global
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This article discusses the persistent gender gap in access to financial services and digital technologies. The key to closing both gaps may be found in savings groups, according to BFA, the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), Financial Sector Deepening Trust Tanzania (FSDT), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Most savings groups are cash-based. But if these groups were to use cash alternatives, they could provide the bridge needed to help women across the digital divide. Based on the experience of a pilot project in Tanzania, the authors argue that the switch to digital is challenging, but the benefits are promising. Digital savings groups (DSGs) can improve the perceived safety of funds and save members time. Members can also grow more confident in using digital technology, as demonstrated by improved capacity to use mobile phones and mobile money, and improved perceptions of mobile money.

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