2a. Staffing Cover
Digitization Planning Gender Human Resources Project Design Project Implementation Training

DSG Toolkit: Project Staffing

Published by
Lauren Hendricks, Dennis Mello, Paulina (Paula) Rudnicka
Global Communities, Women for Women International
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This tool includes sample job descriptions (JDs) for key digitization project staff with a focus on knowledge, skills and abilities related to mobile and digital technology as well as gender integration.

The tool includes both “Roles and Responsibilities” and “Qualifications,” which can be added to existing JDs to ensure they have adequate skills to support the gender-responsive digitization of savings groups. These roles and skills are additions to standard savings groups roles and qualifications. It may not always be possible to hire staff with all the necessary skills since this is an evolving field. Managers should plan to train new staff and existing team members to meet necessary skills.

This tool is intended for staff of organizations implementing digital savings group (DSG) projects, specifically program designers and managers, country managers and gender specialists.

This tool is a part of the Digital Savings Group (DSG) Toolkit: Tools to Support Safe and Gender-responsive Digitization of Savings Groups. It can be used individually or as a complete set, depending upon the needs of the implementer. 

The tool is accompanied by an introductory video, which provides guidance on how to use it.

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