
Online Content Submission Form

Thank you for your interest in sharing your content, content idea, or an announcement! Please note that all content submitted to the DSG Hub is subject to review by our editorial team and Advisory Board. Please review our Content Submission Guidelines and Content Templates prior to submission. The DSG Hub reserves the right to reject any content that does not comply with our guidelines. A DSG Hub representative will be in touch with you with information about next steps.

* Required fields

    About You

    This information allows us to contact you about your submission. Your contact information will not be displayed on the DSG Hub.

    Please enter the organization where you work or study. If you are independent, please type “Independent.”

    Type of Submission

    Please select one category that best describes your submission.

    Please provide full name in natural order, usually First and Last Name. If there are multiple authors, please separate them with commas.

    Please fill out this field only if the existing content has already been published elsewhere.

    Please provide a one to two paragraph summary (75-250 words) of the existing content. Please make sure to highlight the most relevant, useful information for the DSG Hub community. If the content is published on the DSG Hub, the abstract will be posted on the Resources page. The DSG Hub editorial team may edit the abstract for clarity, tone, and errors.

    Please provide a public, complete URL to the content that has been published elsewhere. If the content is published in multiple language versions, please provide links to all of them.

    If the content is ready for publication but not available online, please attach it. If the content is available in multiple language versions, please attach all of them. If the content exceeds 20MB, please contact DSG Hub at info@DSGHub.org.

    Please provide full name in natural order, usually First and Last Name. If there are multiple authors, please separate them with commas.

    Please provide a one to two paragraph summary (75-250 words) of the existing content. Please make sure to highlight the most relevant, useful information for the DSG Hub community. If the content is published on the DSG Hub, the abstract will be posted on the Resources page. The DSG Hub editorial team may edit the abstract for clarity, tone, and errors.

    If the resource or blog post is in an outline or draft form, please attach it. If the content exceeds 20MB, please contact DSG Hub at info@DSGHub.org.

    Please select one category that best describes your submission.

    Please include one paragraph (up to 100 words) you wish to include in the DSG Hub Newsletter. Please make sure to highlight the most relevant, important, and useful information for the DSG Hub Community. The DSG Hub editorial team may edit the content for clarity, tone, and errors.

    If available, please provide a public, complete URL to a webpage or document where DSG Hub community members can find more information about the announcement.

    If feasible, please attach one image accompanying the announcement (Max upload size: 20MB).

    Basic Information

    Solution Overview Table Content


    Digital Financial Services





    Cost (in USD)




    Hardware Requirements

    Network Requirements and Offline Capabilities

    If the solution is in an outline or draft form, please attach it. If the content exceeds 20MB, please contact DSG Hub at info@DSGHub.org. File types: doc, docx, pdf.

    Please include a brief description of the solution (400-500 words). The DSG Hub is committed to diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. We encourage content submissions in the author’s own voice and style. For the purposes of consistency and comparability, we strongly encourage contributors to develop their respective solution descriptions based on their responses to the survey in PART A. In addition, consider specifying:

    • Evidence of impact

    • Client protection measures, including data privacy and security

    • Key risks and barriers to adoption

    • Plans for the next 2-3 years in terms of product development, scale up, geographic expansion, or partnership development.

    • Please be as specific and succinct as possible, and refrain from generic statements and overly promotional language.

    If the content exceeds 20MB, please contact DSG Hub at info@DSGHub.org. File types: doc, docx, pdf.

    Please attach (or provide links to):

    • Logo of the organization or product (as you would like it displayed in the “Technology Solutions Overview”)

    • 2-3 high resolution pictures

    • At least one action shot of the technology being used by an institutional or end user

    • At least one close-up image (picture or animated figure) of the technology

    • 1-3 supporting resources (this may include the following file types - doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pdf, jpg, png, gif. If the content exceeds 50MB, please contact DSG Hub at info@DSGHub.org.) and thumbnail images for each supporting resource.

    Please provide links to any additional supporting resources (this may include links to videos, websites, Google drive folders, etc.) and also attach the respective thumbnail images on the above field. If there's more than one link, please provide the links one after the other separated by commas.