
Project Implementation

26 Resources
Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Planning Program Quality
2023 01 31 07 38 30 USAID Digital Principles How To Note.pdf and 4 more pages Work Microsoft​ Ed
Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Planning Program Quality

How-To Note: Addressing the Principles for Digital Development in Project and Activity Design


How-To Note: Addressing the Principles for Digital Development in Project and Activity Design

This brief, user-friendly guide helps program design teams understand and prioritize the Digital Principles most relevant to their work. Through a series of leading questions and worksheets, the digital activity design checklist provides actionable guidance for each Digital Principle and shares additional resources for ensuring that programs are well-designed and effective.
digital divide Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digital Transformation
Promoting Capabilities
digital divide Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digital Transformation

DSG Toolkit: Promoting Women’s Digital Capabilities

By Lauren Hendricks, Dennis Mello, Paulina (Paula) Rudnicka
Global Communities, Women for Women International

DSG Toolkit: Promoting Women’s Digital Capabilities

Limited digital capability—understood as knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to use digital tools effectively, confidently and safely —is a key barrier to women’s adoption of technology, including digital solutions for savings groups. This tool provides practical tips and suggestions for promoting digital capability among women as part of any digitization project. It is intended for […]
Consumer Protection Digitization Risks & Barriers Gender Personal Security
GBV Tool
Consumer Protection Digitization Risks & Barriers Gender Personal Security

DSG Toolkit: Addressing Risks of Gender-Based Violence

By Lauren Hendricks, Dennis Mello, Paulina (Paula) Rudnicka
Global Communities, Women for Women International

DSG Toolkit: Addressing Risks of Gender-Based Violence

This tool was created to inform implementing organizations on the risks of gender-based violence (GBV) (including technology-facilitated GBV and intimate partner violence), which may occur as a negative consequence of a woman’s digital journey. The tool includes strategies to help mitigate these risks. Strategies could include community education, gender dialogues and GBV service mapping; promoting […]
Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers Gender
DSG Tools Monitoring and Evaluation
Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers Gender

DSG Toolkit: Monitoring and Evaluation of DSG Projects 

By Lauren Hendricks, Dennis Mello & Paulina (Paula) Rudnicka 
Global Communities, Women for Women International 

DSG Toolkit: Monitoring and Evaluation of DSG Projects 

This tool is designed to improve digital savings group (DSG) implementers’ understanding of the impacts of digitization on groups and their members using gender-sensitive indicators and monitoring approaches. The tool includes sample indicators and a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework.  This tool is a part of the Digital Savings Group (DSG) Toolkit: Tools to Support […]
Consumer Protection Data Privacy & Security Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation
DSG Tools Data Privacy and Security
Consumer Protection Data Privacy & Security Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation

DSG Toolkit: Data Privacy and Security

By Lauren Hendricks, Dennis Mello, Paulina (Paula) Rudnicka
Global Communities, Women for Women International

DSG Toolkit: Data Privacy and Security

This tool is designed to help DSG implementers ask technology providers the right questions about their data security policies and protocols, with the goal of protecting the data privacy rights of DSG members.   Digital solution providers (e.g., fintech companies) are de facto custodians of group and member data, which can be prone to hacking, manipulation […]
digital divide Digital Financial Services Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy
Enhancing Financial Inclusion COVER
digital divide Digital Financial Services Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy

Lessons on Enhancing Women’s Financial Inclusion Using Digital Financial Services

Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI)

Lessons on Enhancing Women’s Financial Inclusion Using Digital Financial Services

This special report, by AFI’s Digital Financial Services Working Group, examines the role of digital financial services (DFS) in enhancing and sustaining the access, use, and overall quality of financial services for women. The report includes a comprehensive analysis of the current body of knowledge and case studies of countries that have accelerated DFS policy […]
Data Privacy & Security Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digital Transformation
1a. Preparedness COVER
Data Privacy & Security Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digital Transformation

DSG Toolkit: Digital Preparedness Checklist

By Lauren Hendricks, Dennis Mello, Paulina (Paula) Rudnicka
Global Communities, Women for Women International

DSG Toolkit: Digital Preparedness Checklist

This checklist is designed to help implementing organizations gauge their own preparedness to digitize savings groups and to do so in a gender-responsive manner. The checklist will help implementers understand what they need to do to take on the technology, identify required training and support and address gender considerations in digitization projects. These include strategies […]
Digitization Planning Gender Human Resources Project Design
2a. Staffing Cover
Digitization Planning Gender Human Resources Project Design

DSG Toolkit: Project Staffing

By Lauren Hendricks, Dennis Mello, Paulina (Paula) Rudnicka
Global Communities, Women for Women International

DSG Toolkit: Project Staffing

This tool includes sample job descriptions (JDs) for key digitization project staff with a focus on knowledge, skills and abilities related to mobile and digital technology as well as gender integration. The tool includes both “Roles and Responsibilities” and “Qualifications,” which can be added to existing JDs to ensure they have adequate skills to support […]
Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers
Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Digitization Benefits Digitization Risks & Barriers

Recap And Recordings of Workshop On Digital Savings Groups (DSGs)


Recap And Recordings of Workshop On Digital Savings Groups (DSGs)

This half-day workshop brought together key refugee response actors – including digital and financial service providers, policy makers, donors, implementers and humanitarian actors – to encourage stock-taking of the digital savings groups landscape in the Uganda refugee response, and foster critical reflection. The event was organized in April 2022 by UNCDF, the Uganda Inter-Agency Cash […]
Data Privacy & Security Digital Literacy Digital Transformation Digitization Planning
DSG Toolkit
Data Privacy & Security Digital Literacy Digital Transformation Digitization Planning

DSG Toolkit: Tools to Support Safe and Gender-responsive Digitization of Savings Groups

By Lauren Hendricks, Dennis Mello, Paula Rudnicka
Global Communities, Women for Women International

DSG Toolkit: Tools to Support Safe and Gender-responsive Digitization of Savings Groups

The DSG Toolkit, also available in Kinyarwanda, consists of seven practical tools to support safe, effective, and gender-responsive digitization of savings groups. These tools include practical guidance for implementers and trainers across multiple aspects of digitization, such as: Each tool can be used by implementers just beginning to think about their first DSG project and […]