Jamii.one is a Danish fintech company and platform for digital savings groups. By digitizing savings groups, Jamii.one bridges the location gap and provides underserved and remote communities access to formal financial services, including savings, business loans, and life insurance.
The solution was co-created with more than 900 savings group members, based on the identified needs and abilities of rural savings groups.
Jamii.one targets and addresses the needs of three distinct stakeholders:
- Savings groups – more efficient group processes, and access to formal financial services
- Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) managing savings group programs – more accurate and timely data, reduced monitoring costs, reduced unit costs, and more efficient expansion in more remote areas
- Financial institutions – better reach in underserved communities, lower acquisition costs.
Jamii.one charges partner financial service providers (FSPs) and the development sector for access to the platform, including group and individual data, based on informed consent and requirements specified in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Use of the platform is free for savings groups and their members.
Jamii.one reports that the platform reduces project costs for NGOs by at least 20 percent. For FSPs, the platform serves as an entry point into savings communities, a business opportunity that Jamii.one estimates to be worth $380 billion.
The platform delivers low-cost reach, data for Know Your Customer (KYC) and credit assessment, and the digital infrastructure needed for scale, making it possible for FSPs to service a segment that may have previously been prohibitively risky or expensive to serve.
Jamii.one currently has 100,000+ users who are building credit data, and digital identities, and improving their digital and financial literacy. By enabling users to determine what they need and access these resources on their own terms, the expected impact of the solution is far-reaching.
Jamii.one is currently used in over 50 countries, with financial linkages in Ethiopia only. By 2025, Jamii.one expects to reach more than a million users. The company aspires to connect the platform to FSPs in more countries. The integration of Jamii.one with FSPs in additional countries will require new partnerships with both financial institutions and the development sector.
Photo Courtesy of Jamii.one